Saturday, June 22, 2019

How To Set Up A Repeater Bridge On Your DD-WRT Router

To begin, make sure that the main router has a 192.168.1.X subnet and leases a DHCP address in the same pool. The secondary router must be running DD-WRT.
To ensure an easy set up, always click Save and not Apply between steps.
  1. Reset to Factory Defaults on the secondary DD-WRT router. Perform a hard reset if needed.
  2. Hook up the secondary router with an Ethernet cord or just as a wireless client.
  3. Open the address in your browser to access the DD-WRT GUI.
  4. Open the Wireless tab and then the Basic Settings tab
    1. Physical Interface 
      1. Wireless Mode: Repeater Bridge
      2. Wireless Network Mode: Same as main router
      3. Wireless Network Name(SSID): Same as main router, including case
      4. Wireless Channel: Auto
      5. Sensitivity Range (ACK Timing): 0
      6. Click Save
    2. Virtual Interfaces: Click Add
      1. Wireless Network Name(SSID): Different SSID than Primary SSID
      2. Click Save
  5. Open the Wireless tab and then the Wireless Security tab
    1. Physical Interface (WPA2-AES is recommended)
      1. Security Mode, WPA Algorithms, Shared Key: Same as main router
    2. Virtual Interfaces
      1. Security Mode, WPA Algorithms, Shared Key: Same as main router
      2. Click Save
  6. Open the Security tab and then the Firewall tab
    1. Uncheck all boxes except Filter Multicast
    2. Disable SPI Firewall
    3. Click Save
  7. Open the Services tab and then Services tab
    1. Disable DNSMasq
    2. Click Save
  8. Open the Setup tab then the Basic Setup tab
    1. WAN Connection Type: Disabled
    2. IP Address:
    3. Mask:
    4. Gateway: (Same as main router)
    5. DHCP Server: Disable
    6. Local DNS: (Same as main router)
    7. Assign WAN Port to Switch: Use WAN port as another LAN port (Optional)
    8. Click Save
  9. Open the Setup tab and then Advanced Routing tab
    1. Change Mode to Router
    2. Click Save and then APPLY
    3. Wait 30 seconds and then power off the router and power it back on.
      1. Allow router to fully boot up.
  10. Open the address to access the router GUI at its new IP address
  11. Check internet connectivity, if it does not work then reboot the router