Thursday, November 18, 2021

 Look like you're a hacker in macOS

install HomeBrew

install htop

install cmatrix

arrange terminal windows to look like you are hacking the deathstart

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

 NMap command to remember

NMAP -sP = to ping all systems in that range

NMAP -sT -p 80,443 = search all IPs for defined open ports

sudo NMAP -sS -p 80,443 = stealth search all IPs for defined open ports

sudo NMAP -sS = stealth search for all open ports, best to do this one machine at a time

sudo NMAP -O = OS detection

sudo NMAP -A = OS detection

hide yourself, -D sets the decoy IP address

sudo NMAP -sS -D

check vulnerabilities in systems

sudo NMAP --script vuln

Saturday, April 3, 2021

5 Linux Shell tricks to remember


if you type in a command and it needs Sudo, just type in sudo !! (bang, bang), it will run the command you just type without sudo with sudo....  speed

CTRL + K will removes all text at the curser

CTRL + W will remove words in command line

TOP questions

What version of Linux are you using ?

uname -a

What ip address is assigned

ip addr show

How would you check for drive space

df -h

How would show the size of a folder

du -sh foldername

How would you check for open ports, listening

netstate -tulpn  (you need root to see the program)

How would check CPU and system usage


How would you find help for a command

man netstat

User and groups

cat /etc/group

    review this file, look for root and if anyone was added, look at wheel and if anyone was added.

cat /etc/shadow

    review this file, you will need sudo, Look for users and make sure they have :$6$ for 512 encryption

cat /etc/passwd

    review this file and match up the nologin for users or service accounts